
A Century of Irish Economic Independence

At the Irish Free State’s birth in 1922, hopes were high that independence from Britain – what the 18th century nationalist Theobald Wolfe Tone called “the unfailing source of all our ills” – would lead to greater prosperity. Free State leader Michael Collins said the Irish “were so crushed during the British occupation that they …

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Blended Learning with Flipped Classroom Strategy The Effect to the Independence and Learning Outcomes

References A. Mudlofir and E. F. Rusdiyah, Desain Pembelajaran Inovati: Dari Teori ke Praktik, 2 ed., Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2017. OECD. 2019. PISA 2018 Assessment and Analytical Framework PISA. Paris: OECD Publishing. Hidayat, D. R., Rohaya, A., Nadine, F., Ramadhan, H., Rawamangun, J., Raya, M., … Timur, K. J. (2020). KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DALAM …

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